27 Nov 2012

SSC Engg Asst & Technician Exam Pattern | Tegonity Jobs

SSC Engg Asst & Technician Posts Exam Pattern Details: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recruits Engineering Assistant & Technician Vacancies on behalf of the Prasar Bharati under special dispensation given by the Government. The following are the Exam Pattern details to apply for the Engg Asst & Technician Vacancies…

Written Examination: The written exam will consist of (Paper-I) Objective type and (Paper-II) Descriptive type.

A. Selection Process For The Post of Engineering Assistant: Selection for the post will be based on a Written Examination which will be conducted by Staff Selection Commission. The examination will consist of two papers as detailed below:

PaperSubjectMaximum MarksDuration
Paper – I (Objective Type)(a)General Intelligence & Reasoning(50 questions) (b)General Awareness (50 questions)                       (c) Technical Knowledge (100 questions)50501002 hrs
Paper-II (Descriptive Type)
Any one out of the following :(a) Physics(b) Radio Engineering(c) Telecommunication Engineering(d) Electrical Engineering(e) Electronics Engineering

(f) Information Technology
2002 hrs

The interview for the post of Engineering Assistant will be of 100 marks.

Individual cut off will be prescribed in Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper-II of only those candidates who meet the cut off in Paper-I will be evaluated. Only those candidates who meet the cut off in Paper-II will be considered for selection/ interview as the case may be. The Commission may at its discretion prescribe separate cut off in interview. Final selection will be on the basis of marks secured by the candidates in Paper I & II ( 200 marks each) and interview (100 marks). Allocation of candidates to different zones will be done on the basis of merit- cum- option of zone and thereafter, to different places within the zone. Seniority for all purpose will be maintained within the zone. Candidates are advised to note that they will be considered for only one post (A or B) based on this recruitment.

B. Selection Process forThe Post of Technician: Selection for the post will be based on Written Examination conducted by Staff Selection Commission comprising of two Papers:

PaperSubjectMaximum MarksDuration
Paper – I (Objective Type)(a)General Intelligence & Reasoning(50 questions) (b)General Awareness (50 questions)                       (c) Technical Knowledge (100 questions)50501002 hrs
Paper-II (Descriptive Type)Any one out of the following :(a) Electronics Engineering(b) Telecommunication Engineering2002 hrs

There will be no interview for the post Technician.

Individual cut off will be prescribed in Paper-I and Paper-II. Paper-II of only those candidates who meet the cut off in Paper-I will be evaluated. Final selection will be on the basis of marks in Paper-I& II (200 marks each ). Allocation of candidates to different zones will be done on the basis of merit cum option of zone and thereafter, to different places within the zone. Seniority for all purpose will be maintained within the zone.

Click Here for SSC Engg & Technician Posts Exam Pattern Details

Click Here for SSC Engg & Technician Posts Exam Syllabus Details

Click Here for SSC Engg & Technician Posts Eligibility Details

Click Here for SSC Engg & Technician Posts  Selection Procedure

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