27 Nov 2012

UPSC CDS Selection Procedure | Tegonity Jobs

CDS Selection Procedure Details: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is going to conducts Combined Defence Services (CDS) Examination for recruitment of various vacancies under Indian Military Academy, Indian Naval Academy, Air Force Academy and Officers Training Academy. The following are the selection Procedure details to apply for the Combined Defence Services Exam…

UPSC Selection Procedure consists of three stages.
1. Written Exam
2. Interview/ Intelligence Test/ Personality Test
3. Document Verification
4. Medical Examination

1. Written Exam: 
i. Written Exam consists of Objective Type questions and time duration 2hrs and maximum marks is 100 for each subject.
ii. For the candidates who are appearing for Indian Military Academy, Naval Academy, Air force Academy written test comprising of English, General Knowledge and Elementary mathematics subjects and for candidates who are appearing for officers training academy the written test comprising of English and General Knowledge.
iii. Candidates who are declared successful in the written exam will be detailed for intelligence and personality test at the Service Selection Board based on their preference, by the respective service HQ.

2. Interview/ Personality Test: The candidates who are selected in written test are called for interview. In addition to the Interview the candidates will be put to Intelligence Test both verbal and non-verbal, designed to assess their basic intelligence. There will be group tests such as group discussion, outdoor group tasks, group planning and asked to give brief lecturers on specified subjects.

3. Document Verification: Document Verification will be conducted only after the candidate has qualified for Interview/Personality Test.

4. Medical Examination: A Candidate recommended by the Services Selection Board will undergo a medical examination by a Board of Service Medical Officers. Women candidates will undergo Medical Examination by a Medical Board comprising male/ female doctors/ specialists/ Gynaecologist. There will be a Lady Medical Officer as member of Board. Only those candidates will be admitted to the Academy who are declared fit by the Medical Board.

Click Here for CDS Eligibility Criteria

Click Here for CDS Syllabus

Click Here for CDS Exam Pattern

Click Here for CDS Selection Procedure

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