UPSC SCRA Selection Procedure: Union Public Service Commission conducts the Special Class Railway Apprentices’ Examination to select candidates for the Mechanical Department of Indian Railways. The selection process details given below.
SCRA Examination conducts in 3 stages.
1. Written Examination
2. Interview/Personality Test
3. Document Verification
1) Written Examination: In this exam consists 3 papers with Objective Type questions and question papers given in English Language only .Time duration for each paper 2 hours and maximum marks for General Ability test 200, Physical Science 200, Mathematics 200, Total Written Examination carries 600 marks.
2) Interview/Personality Test: Each candidate will be interviewed by a Board who will have before them a record of his career both academic and extramural. They will be asked questions on matters of general interest. Special attention will be paid to assessing their potential qualities of leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, power of practical application and integrity of character.
3) Document Verification: Document Verification will be held after the candidate has qualified for Interview / Personality Test.