TNPL Recruitment 2015 – Manager & Officer Posts: Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited (TNPL) has published a notification for the recruitment of Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (R&D and QC), Senior Manager/ Manager (R&D and QC), Deputy Manager/ Assistant Manager/ Officer (R&D and QC) vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply in prescribed application format on or before 07-05-2015. Other details like age, educational qualification, selection process, how to apply are given below…
TNPL Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 14
Name of the Post:
1. Deputy General Manager/ Assistant General Manager (R&D and QC): 01 Post
2. Senior Manager/ Manager (R&D and QC): 01 Post
3. Deputy Manager/ Assistant Manager/ Officer (R&D and QC): 12 Posts
Age Limit: Candidates age limit is 46 years for Deputy General Manager, 43 years for Assistant General Manager, 39 years for Senior Manager, 37 years for Manager, 34 years for Deputy Manager and 29 years for Assistant Manager as on 01-04-2015.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess 3 years full time first Class B.Sc Degree and 2 years full time first class M.Sc (Chemistry) or B.E/ B.Tech or M.Tech in Pulp & Paper Technology or Science Degree with First Class full time PG Diploma in Pulp & Paper Technology or M.Sc (Pulp & Paper)/ M.Sc (Cellulose & Paper Technology) for S.No- 1. For more information refer notification.
How to Apply: Eligible candidates may send their application in the prescribed format giving full details of age, qualification with year of passing, experience, community, salary drawn & position, copies of testimonials towards proof for the same and in an envelope should be superscribed as the “Name of the Post Applied for” to the General Manager (HR)m Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Kagithapuram-639136, Karur District, Tamil Nadu on or before 07-05-2015.
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: 07-05-2015
For more details like age, educational qualification, how to apply & other information click on the link given below…